Saturday, June 9, 2012

Creme Brulee (Krem-BroolAy)

The original recipe for Creme Brulee can be found on at courtesy of one of my food heroes Alton Brown.

Creme brulee is a dessert that most of us have heard of, fewer have tried, and fewer still have attempted at home. Why is this? Because it's at the top of the pantheon of French desserts. We've been lead to believe this is a highly complicated dessert that only the most skilled chefs could hope to conquer (like most of French cuisine). How would you feel if I told you creme brulee only requires four ingredients to cook it? Yes you need a couple skills maybe some cooks don't know, and yes you need a couple pieces of new equipment. BUT this dish is attainable to even a newer aspiring home cook. I will also tell you I've had creme brulee a few times at some seriously nice restaurants, and this was better. Does that mean I'm a great chef... NO. It means that sometimes things are just better when they're made at home. This was the first time I've ever made creme brulee, and I was ecstatic with how easy it really was to pull off. So pull out and put on your fancy pants, because tonight we are having creme brulee for dessert!

For this recipe you will need:

1 quart heavy cream (carton may say heavy "whipping" cream)
1 vanilla bean
6 large egg yolks (no whites)
1 cup sugar

6 7-8oz ramekins
1 quart water
1-2 2" deep pans
Blow Torch

Before you begin set your oven to 325 degrees.

In a medium sauce pan pour in the entire quart of heavy cream. Set up your cutting board and get out your favorite knife. For this job I used my paring knife. Place the vanilla bean down on the board, and cut in half lengthwise. Take the back of your knife and scrape the vanilla bean's innards out. Put the vanilla innards in to the heavy cream, including the half of the bean that has been gutted, and repeat with the second half. Turn your flame on high, and heat until the cream starts to boil regardless of stirring. When the cream comes to a boil, fish out and discard the two vanilla bean halves, leaving the innards in the cream. Take the cream off the heat, and cover for 15 minutes.

Now that you're finished with the cream, get out your whisk and favorite whisking bowl. You need to separate the egg yolks from the whites. For this I actually cracked the eggs over a separate bowl, to ensure I didn't get any white in my whisking bowl. Once you've cracked all 6 eggs and have all 6 yolks in your whisking bowl, take 1/2 cup of sugar and pour that over your yolks. Whisk the yolks and sugar until your eggs become a pale yellow (this will take a little effort).

*Note: Most recipes will not tell you this, but let your eggs come up to room temperature. Most French recipes actually assume you will do this, because most French people do not keep their eggs in the fridge.

In case you don't know how, I've included an older video of me separating eggs.

While you're waiting for the 15 minutes to expire for your cream, set up your ramekins in your 2" deep pans. You need to pour hot water (doesn't have to be boiling) in the pans, NOT IN THE RAMEKINS, about half way up the side of the ramekins. After you've done this be careful, these pans will be awkward to lift in to the oven.

Once your timer has gone off, and you've set up your ramekins, you need to temper your eggs with the cream. It is crucial you do this properly, because if you don't you'll end up with scrambled eggs in cream... yuck.

Set up your bowl on a non skid surface (a rubber glove, or oven mitt with silicone is perfect). Start to whisk your eggs, very fast. While you whisk, ladle a small amount of the cream (which is still very hot) in to your whisk (WHILE STILL WHISKING! DO NO STOP ONCE YOU'VE STARTED THIS PROCESS). Once that first ladle of cream has been completely worked in, do another. Then another. Keep doing this until the whole of the cream has been worked in to your eggs. If you've done as I've instructed, and whisked fast and never stopped, and added the ladles slowly, you should have perfectly combined the cream and eggs with no scrambling. Once you've combined your cream and eggs, ladle the mixture in to all 6 ramekins until you've used it all, and put the pans in the oven. Set your timer for 45 minutes.

Once the timer goes off take both pans out of the oven, and get the ramekins out as soon as you can, set them on a towel to cool off for a moment and dry. Once they've cooled off for about 10 minutes move them to the fridge, for a minimum of 2 hours.

After the creme brulee has had a chance to chill for a couple hours at least, you can get them ready to serve. Place one on the counter, and with a spoon lightly shake a layer over the entirety of the surface. Take your blow torch and work the flame over the entire surface of the creme brulee. I'll give you this warning, it'll seem to take forever. Then out of no where it will melt down, and even get scorched if your not careful (yes, it happened to me). Let the creme brulee cool off for about 5 minutes, and serve!

Yes as you probably figured, this week's video is the blow torch portion of this. Yes as you probably figured, it was my favorite part!

Creme brulee is fun to make, and excellent to eat! This turned out perfectly, which shocked me because this was the first time I have ever even attempted this dish. You guys are gonna love this, I know my little corner of the world did! Eat well everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great detail and photos!! Think I might get brave now and try it. Need to visit hardware store for a blow torch. :)
